who we are
Established in Bozeman, Montana in 1995, Gallatin County Love INC (Love In the Name of Christ) is a beacon of hope where volunteers, driven by their faith, come together to meet the needs of their community. This ministry unites 53 local Christian churches, who come together in a unified effort to act as Christ’s hands and feet in our community.
Love INC is where people in need can come to find hope in the darkness, solutions to their tangible needs, and the powerful support and lasting relationships that only exist in the eternal kingdom of God. Gallatin County Love INC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and offers the following services free of charge: trauma recovery classes, life skills classes, home repairs, car repairs, high-quality clothing, personal care products, furniture, linens, and so much more.

Churches serve their communities in multiple ways. One church may have a financial literacy program, while another has housing assistance. Without coordination, this can cause needs to go unnoticed or efforts duplicated, which can cause individuals to not receive the holistic care that they need.
With Love INC

Love INC fosters a unique collaboration and organizes holistic care to help churches serve their neighbors through resources and relationships. By uniting churches, each church leans into its strengths, knowing that the body of Christ will care for its neighbors within their community.
Our Staff

Executive Director
Springhill Presbyterian

Director Of Operations
Bozeman Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Volunteer Coordinator
Journey Church

Connection Center Coordinator
Journey Church

Connection Center Support
Resurrection Parish

Marketing Manager and Development Coordinator
Christian City Church

Change Your Life Coordinator
Bozeman Church of Christ

Car Ministry Coordinator
Christian City Church
Love INC Employees
Dedicate themselves to serving those in need in the name of Christ. They manage and oversee all aspects of this ministry with diligence, coordinate volunteers, create classes, organize service events, and much more.
Our Board of Directors

Daryl Gunnarson
Summit Church

Deborah Cowlishaw
Grace Bible Church

David Bowen
Bozeman Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Cindy Aune
Redeemer Church
How Does Love INC Work?
Our Mission
Love INC mobilizes churches of the Gallatin County to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ.
Our Vision
To see Christian churches united in purpose and fully engaged in actively living out their faith by lovingly serving people in need in our community.
A Modern Translation
Statement of Faith: The Apostle’s Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day, He rose again.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
Statement on Scripture
Love In the Name of Christ identifies only the Old Testament* and the New Testament, commonly known as the Bible, as the Holy Scriptures. Love INC acknowledges, as do Christian churches of all traditions, that the canon is closed, thereby excluding any additional writings from the past or present.
*Love INC recognizes that the Old Testament canon is defined differently among Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox. Nevertheless, all three traditions hold that Scripture consists of the Old and New Testaments, and the canon is closed.
Our Partner Churches
We are a partnership of over 50 Christian churches across numerous denominations partner throughout Gallatin County. Within these partnerships, Love INC serves as the scaffolding upon which greater growth is possible. Love INC provides intentional opportunities for Christians to live out the great command to love our neighbors. Through our partnership with churches, community organizations, and volunteers, we work to meet the growing needs in Gallatin County.
Gallatin County Love INC
Is an affiliate of the National Love INC movement that works to bring communities together. Across 29 states and in Kenya, 100+ Love INC locations partner with over 7,800 Christian Churches to serve hundreds of thousands of people in need.