1PURPOSE Fundraiser Gala

Your Love INC ministry’s annual fundraiser gala, 1PURPOSE, is Thursday, June 5, 2025.

Join volunteers, donors, and partner churches to help your Love INC ministry
raise funds to continue the mission we all love and are so committed to. 

Enjoy delicious food, fellowship, and a silent auction.

Join us in celebrating 30 years of transforming lives in Gallatin County! Don your pearls and come on out!

Thursday, June 5th, 2025
Doors open and silent auction begin at 5:00 PM

The Commons at Baxter & Love
1794 E Baxter Lane, Bozeman, MT 59718

Tickets – $100 for individuals, $700 for a table of eight

Tickets can be purchased by clicking the button below or calling 406.587.3008

Thank you to our Supporters!

North Grounds Property Management LLC

Thank you to our Advocates!

Murdoch’s Ranch and Home Supply

Be an Event Sponsor!

Ambassador – $15,000+
One table (8 tickets) with logo displayed on table
1PURPOSE thank you in Bozeman Chronicle
Mention on 1PURPOSE newsletter and social media
Full slide digital display at 1PURPOSE (provided by Sponsor)
Logo displayed on 1PURPOSE program
Logo displayed on 1PURPOSE webpage
Option to provide signage at 1PURPOSE (provided by Sponsor)

Contributor – $10,000

One table (8 tickets) to 1PURPOSE
Mention on 1PURPOSE newsletter and social media
Half slide digital display at 1PURPOSE (provided by Sponsor)
Logo displayed on 1PURPOSE program
Logo displayed on 1PURPOSE webpage 

Advocate – $5,000
One table (8 tickets) to 1PURPOSE
Mention on 1PURPOSE social media
Quarter slide digital display at 1PURPOSE (provided by Sponsor)
Name displayed on 1PURPOSE program
Name displayed on 1PURPOSE webpage
Supporter – $1,500
One table (8 tickets) to 1PURPOSE
Name displayed on 1PURPOSE program
Name displayed on 1PURPOSE webpage
Please call Love INC at 406.587.3008 for additional information about being an Event Sponsor for 1PURPOSE and future events.

1PURPOSE Silent Auction


We are accepting donations for auction items for the 1PURPOSE fundraiser auction.
Please email photos and a description of your item to communications@loveincgc.org.

You can also fill out the form via the button below.

Auction Wish List

 New items with over $75 value

 Unique experiences that you can’t get in store (hotel stays, spa packages, MSU football)

 Gift cards and gift certificates 

 Themed gift baskets (big hits previously have been Heyday, pet-lovers, Bible study, etc.)

 Sourdough, cheesecake, or pie for a year (only one of each of these will be accepted)

 Art pieces from the original artist themselves

**Items we will not accept: clothing, blankets, used items, antiques.

Event FAQ:

How will I bid in the auction?
All bidding will take place through our online auction platform. 
Be sure to bring a charged smartphone to the event if you are interested in bidding!

Can I buy my tickets with a check?
You can mail your check to Love INC at PO Box 7117, Bozeman, MT 59771. Please include a note with the number of tickets you would like to purchase and contact information. 
You can also bring your check into the Love INC business offices at 141 Discovery Dr. Bozeman, MT 59718.

Where is Parking?
Free parking will be available to all attendees in The Commons’ parking lot.

Photos from 1PURPOSE 2024